Wednesday 13 May 2015

A message to PE teachers

Dear PE teachers,

not all of the children you teach are the same. Some of them will be shy, or introvert, or both. These children do not need to be 'drawn out of themselves'. They know damn well what they are missing when they don't engage with team sports; they know it, and they want none of it. They're easy to spot: they're the ones who get picked for team sports last, and are often proud of that fact. You might find them difficult to understand, but you still have a responsibility to try. If you want to do something for them, teach them something they can do alone. Running is an easy one and the one I know, but there are others.

If you teach them to run - around a track, or cross country, teach them how to pace themselves; that running doesn't have to mean 'all out as fast as you can'. Teach them to maintain their body temperature; that sports doesn't have to mean shivering on a cold field in winter. Teach them to push harder because they want to; not because someone is shouting at them. And even though you may not believe it yourself, teach them that it's ok to put in only as much as they're comfortable with. Teach them that, because otherwise you'll lose them.

Maybe some of them will turn out to be great athletes. Maybe not. But at least some of them will live healthier and happier lives because of it, and won't look back on you for the rest of their lives with loathing and contempt. I was one of them, and school PE kindled in me a hatred of any kind of sport that lasted for twenty five years.


A heavy smoker turned fitness nut, many times marathon runner, and passionate hater of team sports.

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